Friday, June 7, 2013

A cuppa with... Little & Loved owner, Zoe

Welcome to a new series at MissMollyCoddle!  I've discovered some beautiful blogs and websites lately that really appeal to me as a Mother, crafter, interiors addict, and supporter of handmade, and I'll be sharing these with you, and introducing you to the clever people behind them, so put the kettle on and make yourself comfy.

I love to support small businesses, knowing first hand what a juggle it can be making/selling from home, and because a product really does mean more to me when I know a bit about the person behind it and what inspired them. In Zoe's case, it was her passion for natural, organic products for her two small children, which set the wheels in motion for a fabulous new website, Little & Loved.  This first-hand knowledge as  a mother, means Little & Loved is brimming with carefully chosen, practical, yet gorgeous products. My personal favourites are the food mill, aspirator (how many times did I wish I had one of those?), refillable pouches (genius!) and wet wipe concentrate.  Actually, I had trouble not listing the WHOLE website, so many great products, you really must check it out for yourself.  Before you do, scroll down to meet the lovely Zoe, and to find out about a giveaway she's kindly offered for fans of MissMollyCoddle and Little & Loved.

Tell us a bit about yourself...

I’m Zoe.  I’m a Mother to two adorable boys Max, 3 ¾ and Finn, 9 months.  I’m a fiancee to Ben.  I love good food, art, dreaming, photography, jewelry, clothing and cushions!  I’m happiest in the Summer time. 
Where did the name Little and Loved come from?
Little & Loved was actually the first name I came up with for the company, I wrote lists of other potentials, but always came back to Little & Loved.  To me Little & Loved represents the relationship between parent and child, young and old, and immeasurable, everlasting love. Although your children will one day grow bigger and stronger than you, they will forever be your Little Loves.

What inspired you to start Little and Loved?
I have always been passionate about natural and organic products for myself.  It's become ingrained in me, it’s just a way of life.  After having Max is 2009 I became quite the online shopper!  I felt there was a gap in the market for the range that I’ve picked out.  It's a great feeling knowing that the products I sell make a difference in the world.  As well as being a full time Mother, which will always come first, I feel like I’m doing something great. 
What is your favourite product?  

Just one?  This is difficult! This week Finn (9 months) is cutting teeth, my boys have both cut teeth hard and fast, that has got to be tough!  I use a homeopathic teething spray with organic chamomile from Manutuke Herbs for relief.  It's brilliant!!!  It’s easy to apply, it tastes good and it is great to know that I’m using a natural product to help relieve pain and discomfort. You can find it online here.

What is a typical day for you like?
I’m up at 6am with Ben to dive into my morning coffee!  I try and squeeze in a bit of admin while the boys are having their breakfast and then we’re either off to catch up with my Mummy friends and their babes or Max is off to preschool in which case I squeeze in a work out and the shopping, which is such a breeze when I’ve only got the one in tow… 
What is your ideal weekend like?
I dream of the day that I can sleep in…  until 8am.
Do you have a favourite pearl of wisdom you'd like to share with us? 
My Mother has always said to make the most of having the oven on – why bake just one cake when you could bake two? 
Anything else you'd like to share?
I'm so excited about the launch of Little & Loved.  There is lots in the pipelines for the website over the next year!  I can't wait to share more with you!  

Isn't she lovely?  Now for the giveaway.  Up for grabs is the winners choice of either wet wipe solution, massage oil or sleep balm.  We've kept it super simple to enter, all you need to do is:

* like MissMollyCoddle
* like Little & Loved
* share this photo on facebook

Easy peasy! Be sure to leave a comment here or on the photo, so we know you're entered. If you'd like to help promote a great new business (and a lovely owner), then we'd love you to share this post on your blog or facebook.  Be sure to leave a comment telling us you've done so, and we'll give you another entry as a thanks.

Thanks so much for your support, we really do appreciate it and hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a lovely evening.

Sarah x


  1. Lovely post Sarah great idea, wood love to win this for the new baby berry

  2. Liked (I already liked you anyway :), Liked and Shared :) What a lovely new series. Nice to meet you Zoe x

  3. Although I have just won a gorgeous wee gift from Little & Loved I do enjoy a giveaway - & doing my part to support others so I am sharing this post. Love the new 'A cuppa with' segment on the blog MissMollyCoddle.


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